关于REST API新增币链参考信息查询接口的公告
- API 公告
自本通知生效之日起,火币Global将新增币链基础信息查询节点 ”GET /v2/reference/currencies” 用于查询各个加密币的属性及其所在区块链的静态参考信息,包括标准提币手续费率、标准提币额度、充提状态等公共数据。
REST API – 新增币链参考信息查询节点
GET /v2/reference/currencies (公共数据)
Request parameter(s):
Parameter 参数 |
Required 必需 |
Data Type 数据类型 |
Description 描述 |
Value Range 取值范围 |
Default Value 缺省值 |
currency | false | string | Currency币种 | ||
authorizedUser | false | boolean | Authorized user是否已认证用户 | true,false | true |
Parameter 参数 |
Required 必需 |
Data Type 数据类型 |
Description 描述 |
Value Range 取值范围 |
code | true | int | Status code状态码 | |
message | false | string | Error message (if any)错误描述(如有) | |
data | true | object | List in ascending order of “currency”按 ”currency” 正序排列 | |
{ currency | true | string | Currency币种 | |
chains | true | object | List in ascending order of “chain”按 “chain” 正序排列 | |
{ chain | true | string | Chain name链名称 | |
numOfConfirmations | true | int | Number of confirmations required for deposit success (trading & withdrawal allowed once reached)安全上账所需确认次数(达到确认次数后允许提币) | |
numOfFastConfirmations | true | int | Number of confirmations required for quick success (trading allowed but withdrawal disallowed once reached)快速上账所需确认次数(达到确认次数后允许交易但不允许提币) | |
minDepositAmt | true | string | Minimal deposit amount in each request单次最小充币金额 | |
depositStatus | true | string | Deposit status充币状态 | allowed,prohibited |
minWithdrawAmt | true | string | Minimal withdraw amount in each request单次最小提币金额 | |
maxWithdrawAmt | true | string | Maximum withdraw amount in each request单次最大提币金额 | |
withdrawQuotaPerDay | true | string | Maximum withdraw amount in a day当日提币额度 | |
withdrawQuotaPerYear | true | string | Maximum withdraw amount in a year当年提币额度 | |
withdrawQuotaTotal | true | string | Maximum withdraw amount in total总提币额度 | |
withdrawPrecision | true | int | Withdraw amount precision提币精度 | |
withdrawFeeType | true | string | Type of withdraw fee提币手续费类型 | fixed,circulated,ratio |
transactFeeWithdraw | false | string | Withdraw fee in each request (only applicable to withdrawFeeType = fixed)单次提币手续费(仅对固定类型有效,withdrawFeeType=fixed) | |
minTransactFeeWithdraw | false | string | Minimal withdraw fee in each request (only applicable to withdrawFeeType = circulated)最小单次提币手续费(仅对区间类型有效,withdrawFeeType=circulated) | |
maxTransactFeeWithdraw | false | string | Maximum withdraw fee in each request (only applicable to withdrawFeeType = circulated or ratio)最大单次提币手续费(仅对区间类型和有上限的比例类型有效,withdrawFeeType=circulated or ratio) | |
transactFeeRateWithdraw | false | string | Withdraw fee in each request (only applicable to withdrawFeeType = ratio)单次提币手续费率(仅对比例类型有效,feeType=ratio) | |
withdrawStatus } | true | string | Withdraw status提币状态 | allowed, prohibited |
instStatus } | true | string | Instrument status币种状态 | normal, delisted |