
What is MASS


1. Brief Introduction

The MASS consensus engine aims to become the basic infrastructure to all blockchain consensus layers. Based on a Proof-of-Capacity consensus protocol, the MASS consensus engine creates a consensus layer that is permissionless, fair, energy efficient, secure, and universal, ensuring the fundamental security of the public chain.

2. Detailed Introduction

So, bitcoin as it currently exists is beset by a multitude of problems, including over-centralissation, the wasteful consensus mechanism and the non-reusability of computing power used infor mining. In order to properly solve these issues and create a more democratic, fair, energy efficient, secure, scalable and versatile blockchain infrastructure, the MASS community has developed a highly effective proof-of-capacity (PoC) consensus protocol. When a node in the MASS network competes for the next block, it only needs to provide a valid and unforgeable proof of capacity to the network. This proof relates solely to the capacity provided by the node and can be verified by any other nodes.

The following are some of the main advantages of the MASS PoC consensus protocol:

The network is permissionless. The level of security is similar to the Nakamoto consensus protocol. The network tends more towards decentralissation compared to bitcoin. Competing for blocks does not require the use of computing resources. The network can support multiple blockchain instances in parallel.

The MASS consensus engine is universal and is capable of providing consensus services across any number of public chains. Nodes use storage capacity to run the consensus protocol and do not require permission. The MASS consensus engine is fair and energy efficient; only a very small amount of computing resources are required, meaning everyone has the chance to participate.

The MASS blockchain system is the first public chain to make use of the MASS consensus engine. MASS is the store of value in the MASS blockchain system, and is also the value anchor for the MASS consensus engine.

3. Token Allocation

Mining rewards: 18.75%
Staking rewards: 18.75%
Game rewards: 62.5%

If the block miner is Binding to MASS, the miner can get additional game rewards in addition to the basic mining reward. If the block miner is not Binding to MASS, the Staking reward pool can receive additional game rewards.

4. Token Information and Release Schedule

There will only ever be a maximum of 206,438,400 MASS in circulation, and these will be issued across 15 periods. When moving into a new period, the total block reward for each block will be halved, and the length of the period will be doubled compared to the previous one. The first halving will take place at a block height of 13440 and once all MASS has been issued (which should take more than 600 years), transaction fees will act as the incentive for people to continue to support the MASS network.

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content may be out of date, error, or omission. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.



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