Terra developers unveil 4-year plan to revive LUNA ecosystem
2022/10/19 13:02
Termed the “Terra Expedition,” the proposal is a revised iteration of the Developer Mining Program and Developer Alignment Program initially defined at the launch of the Terra blockchain.
The program will be funded with 9.5% of the total LUNA supply that was earmarked at the launch of the new Terra chain. This incentive program will run for 4 years and will be managed by a community-elected committee that will be evaluated every 12 months.
The revised proposal aims to better align incentives across the ecosystem and focus on attracting developers, onboarding users and promoting deep liquidity.
“The Terra Expedition is a 4-year program aimed at growing the Terra ecosystem through a series of initiatives with 3 main objectives, namely: Incentivising developers to build on Terra, Deepening liquidity on Terra, and Onboarding users to Terra,” the proposal read.
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