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  • Global User Agreement


HTX Limited.(以下称 “公司”)是一家根据塞舌尔共和国相关法律在塞舌尔共和国注册成立的公司,该公司运营网站https://www.huobi.pr(以下称“本网站”或“网站”),该网站是一个专门供用户进行数字资产交易和提供相关服务(以下称“该服务”或“服务”)的平台。为了本协议表述之方便,公司和该网站在本协议中合称使用“我们”或其他第一人称称呼。只要登陆该网站的自然人或其他主体均为本网站的用户,本协议表述之便利,以下使用“您”或其他第二人称。为了本协议表述之便利,我们和您在本协议中合称为“双方”,我们或您单称为“一方”。本网站所有内容,为便利用户,可能提供多个语言版本,若有冲突或遗漏等情况,以中文内容为准。



  • 1 数字资产本身不由任何金融机构或公司或本网站发行;
  • 2 数字资产市场是全新的、未经确认的,而且可能不会增长;
  • 3 数字资产主要由投机者大量使用,零售和商业市场使用相对较少,数字资产交易存在极高风险,其全天不间断交易,没有涨跌限制,价格容易受庄家、全球政府政策的影响而大幅波动;
  • 4 如果公司根据其单方判断认为您违反了本协议,或者根据您所在管辖区域的法律本网站提供的服务或者您使用本网站提供的服务的行为是非法的,公司有权随时暂停或终止您的账户,或者暂停或终止您使用本网站提供的服务或数字资产交易。 禁止位于美国的任何人使用本网站提供的服务。



  • 1 您了解本网站仅作为您获取数字资产信息、寻找交易方、就数字资产的交易进行协商及开展交易的场所,本网站不参与您的任何交易,故您应自行谨慎判断确定相关数字资产及/或信息的真实性、合法性和有效性,并自行承担因此产生的责任与损失。
  • 2 本网站的任何意见、消息、探讨、分析、价格、建议和其他资讯均是一般的市场评论,并不构成投资建议。我们不承担任何因依赖该资讯直接或间接而产生的损失,包括但不限于任何利润损失。
  • 3 本网站的内容会随时更改并不作另行通知,我们已采取合理措施确保网站资讯的准确性,但并不能保证其准确性程度,亦不会承担任何因本网站上的资讯或因未能链结互联网、传送或接收任何通知和信息时的延误或失败而直接或间接产生的损失。
  • 4 使用互联网形式的交易系统亦存有风险,包括但不限于软件,硬件和互联网链结的失败等。由于我们不能控制互联网的可靠性和可用性,我们不会对失真,延误和链结失败而承担任何责任。
  • 5 https://www.huobi.pr为本网站唯一官方对外信息公布平台;
  • 6 本网站任何服务均不接受信用卡支付;
  • 7 禁止使用本网站从事洗钱、走私、商业贿赂等一切非法交易活动或违法行为,若发现任何涉嫌非法交易或违法行为,本站将采取各种可使用之手段,包括但不限于冻结账户,通知相关权力机关等,我们不承担由此产生的所有责任并保留向相关人士追究责任的权利。
  • 8 禁止使用本网站进行恶意操纵市场、不正当交易等一切不道德交易活动,若发现此类事件,本网站将对所有恶意操纵价格、恶意影响交易系统等不道德的行为采取警告、限制交易、关停账户等预防性地保护措施,我们不承担由此产生的所有责任并保留向相关人士追究责任的权利。
  • 1.1 《用户协议》(以下称“本协议”或“本条款及条件”),由正文、《隐私条款》、《了解你的客户和反洗钱政策》以及本网站已经发布的或将来可能发布的各类规则、声明、说明等构成。
  • 1.2 您在使用本网站提供的各项服务之前,应仔细阅读本协议,如有不理解之处或其他必要,请咨询专业律师。如您不同意本协议及/或随时对其的修改,请您立即停止使用本网站提供的服务或不再登陆本网站。您一旦登陆本网站、使用本网站的任何服务或任何其他类似行为即表示您已了解并完全同意本协议各项内容,包括本网站对本协议随时所做的任何修改。
  • 1.3 您通过按照本网站的要求填写相关信息,并经过其他相关程序后成功注册可以成为本网站的会员(以下称“会员”),在进行注册过程中点击“同意”按钮即表示您以电子签署的形式与公司达成协议;或您在使用本网站过程中点击任何标有“同意”或类似意思的按钮的行为或以其他本网站允许的方式实际使用本网站提供的服务时,均表示您完全了解、同意且接受本协议项下的全部条款的约束,无您手写的书面签字就本协议对您的法律约束力无任何影响。
  • 1.4 您成为本网站的会员后,您将获得一个会员帐号及相应的密码,该会员帐号和密码由会员负责保管;会员应当对以其您帐号进行的所有活动和事件负法律责任。
  • 1.5 只有成为本网站的会员才可使用本网站提供的数字资产交易平台进行交易及享受其他本网站规定的只有会员才可获得的服务;会员外的其他您只有登陆网站、浏览网站及其他本网站规定的可获得的服务。
  • 1.6 通过注册和使用任何由本网站提供的服务和功能,您将被视为已阅读,理解并:
    • 1.6.1 接受本协议所有条款及条件的约束。
    • 1.6.2 您确认您已年满16周岁或根据不同的可适用的法律规定的具有可订立合同的法定年龄,您在本网站的注册、销售或购买、发布信息等接受本网站服务的行为应当符合对您有管辖权的主权国家或地区相关法律法规,并有充分的能力接受这些条款,并订立交易,使用本网站进行数字资产交易。
    • 1.6.3 您保证交易中涉及到的属于您的数字资产均为合法取得并所有。
    • 1.6.4 您同意您为您自身的交易或非交易行为承担全部责任和任何收益或亏损。
    • 1.6.5 您确认注册时提供的信息是真实和准确的。
    • 1.6.6 您同意遵守任何有关法律的规定,就税务目的而言,包括报告任何交易利润。
    • 1.6.7 您同意在任何时候不得从事或参与损害本网站或公司利益的行为或活动,无论是否与本网站提供的服务有关。
    • 1.6.8 本协议只是就您与我们之间达成的权利义务关系进行约束,而并不涉及本网站用户之间与其他网站和您之间因数字资产交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷。
  • 3.1 注册资格
  • 您确认并承诺:在您完成注册程序或以其他本网站允许的方式实际使用本网站提供的服务时,您应当是具备可适用的法律规定的可签署本协议及使用本网站服务应具有的能力的自然人、法人或其他组织。您一旦点击同意注册按钮,即表示您自身或您的有权代理人已经同意该协议内容并由其代理注册及使用本网站服务。若您不具备前述主体资格,则您及您的有权代理人应承担因此而导致的一切后果,且公司保留注销或永久冻结您账户,并向您及您的有权代理人追究责任的权利。
  • 3.2 注册目的
  • 您确认并承诺:您进行本网站注册并非出于违反法律法规或破坏本网站数字资产交易秩序的目的。
  • 3.3注册流程

    • 3.3.1 您同意根据本网站用户注册页面的要求提供有效电子邮箱、手机号码等信息,您可以使用您提供或确认的邮箱、手机号码或者本网站允许的其它方式作为登陆手段进入本网站。如有必要,按照不同法域相关法律法规的规定,您必须提供您的真实姓名、身份证件等法律法规及隐私条款及反洗钱条款规定的相关信息并不断更新注册资料,符合及时、详尽、准确的要求。所有原始键入的资料将引用为注册资料。您应对该等信息的真实性、完整性和准确性负责,并承担因此产生的任何直接或间接损失及不利后果。
    • 3.3.2 如您所在主权国家或地区的法律法规、规则、命令等规范对手机号码有实名要求,您同意提供注册的手机号码是经过实名登记的,如您不按照规定提供,因此给您带来的任何直接或间接损失及不利后果均应由您承担。
    • 3.3.3您合法、完整并有效提供注册所需信息并经验证,有权获得本网站账号和密码,您获得本网站账号及密码时视为注册成功,可在本网站进行会员登陆。
    • 3.3.4 您同意接收本网站发送的与本网站管理、运营相关的电子邮件和/或短消息。
  • 4.1 服务内容

    • 4.1.1 您有权在本网站浏览数字资产各项产品的实时行情及交易信息、有权通过本网站提交数字资产交易指令并完成数字资产交易。
    • 4.1.2 您有权在本网站查看其本网站会员账号下的信息,有权应用本网站提供的功能进行操作。
    • 4.1.3 您有权按照本网站发布的活动规则参与本网站组织的网站活动。
    • 4.1.4 本网站承诺为您提供的其他服务。
  • 4.2.服务规则 您承诺遵守下列本网站服务规则:

    • 4.2.1 您应当遵守法律法规、规章、及政策要求的规定,保证账户中所有数字资产来源的合法性,不得在本网站或利用本网站服务从事非法或其他损害本网站或第三方权益的活动,如发送或接收任何违法、违规、侵犯他人权益的信息,发送或接收传销材料或存在其他危害的信息或言论,未经本网站授权使用或伪造本网站电子邮件题头信息等。
    • 4.2.2 您应当遵守法律法规并妥善使用和保管其本网站账号及登陆密码、资金密码、和其注册时绑定的手机号码、以及手机接收的手机验证码的安全。您对使用其本网站账号和登陆密码、资金密码、手机验证码进行的任何操作和后果承担全部责任。当您发现本网站账号、登陆密码、或资金密码、验证码被未经其授权的第三方使用,或存在其他账号安全问题时,应立即有效通知本网站,要求本网站暂停本网站账号的服务。本网站有权在合理时间内对您的该等请求采取行动,但本网站对在采取行动前已经产生的后果(包括但不限于您的任何损失)不承担任何责任。您在未经本网站同意的情况下不得将本网站账号以赠与、借用、租用、转让或其他方式处分给他人。
    • 4.2.3 您同意您对您的本网站的账号、密码下发生的所有活动(包括但不限于信息披露、发布信息、网上点击同意或提交各类规则协议、网上续签协议或购买服务等)承担责任。
    • 4.2.4 您在本网站进行数字资产交易时不得恶意干扰数字资产交易的正常进行、破坏交易秩序;不得以任何技术手段或其他方式干扰本网站的正常运行或干扰其他用户对本网站服务的使用;不得以虚构事实等方式恶意诋毁本网站的商誉。
    • 4.2.5 如您因网上交易与其他用户产生纠纷的,不得通过司法或行政以外的途径要求本网站提供相关资料。
    • 4.2.6 您在使用本网站提供的服务过程中,所产生的应纳税赋,以及一切硬件、软件、服务及其它方面的费用,均由您独自判断和承担。
    • 4.2.7 您应当遵守本网站不时发布和更新的本协议以及其他服务条款和操作规则,有权随时终止使用本网站提供的服务。
  • 4.3.产品规则

    • 4.3.1交易产品规则 您承诺在其进入本网站交易,通过本网站与其他用户进行交易的过程中良好遵守如下交易规则。
    • 浏览交易信息
    • 您在本网站浏览交易信息时,应当仔细阅读交易信息中包含的全部内容,包括但不限于价格、委托量、手续费、买入或卖出方向, 您完全接受交易信息中包含的全部内容后方可点击按钮进行交易。
    • 提交委托
    • 在浏览完交易信息确认无误之后您可以提交交易委托。您提交交易委托后,即您授权本网站代理您进行相应的交易撮合,本网站在有满足您委托价格的交易时将会自动完成撮合交易而无需提前通知您。
    • 查看交易明细
    • 您可以通过管理中心的交易明细中查看相应的成交记录,确认自己的详情交易记录。
    • 撤销/修改委托,在委托未达成交易之前,您有权随时撤销或修改委托。
  • 5.1 如您不具备本协议约定的注册资格,则本网站有权拒绝您进行注册,对已注册的,本网站有权注销您的会员账号,本网站保留向您或您的有权代理人追究责任的权利。同时,本网站保留其他任何情况下决定是否接受您注册的权利。
  • 5.2 本网站发现您或您的关联账户使用者根据本网站自己的判断不适合高风险投资时,有权中止或终止您的账户以及所有关联账户的使用。
  • 5.3 本网站发现账户使用者并非账户初始注册人时,有权中止或终止该账户的使用。
  • 5.4 本网站通过技术检测、人工抽检等检测方式合理怀疑您提供的信息错误、不实、失效或不完整时,有权通知您更正、更新信息或中止、终止为其提供本网站服务。
  • 5.5 本网站有权在发现本网站上显示的任何信息存在明显错误时,对信息予以更正。
  • 5.6 本网站保留随时修改、中止或终止本网站服务的权利,本网站行使修改或中止服务的权利不需事先告知您;本网站终止本网站一项或多项服务的,终止自本网站在网站上发布终止公告之日生效。
  • 5.7 本网站应当采取必要的技术手段和管理措施保障本网站的正常运行,并提供必要、可靠的交易环境和交易服务,维护数字资产交易秩序。
  • 5.8 如您连续一年未使用本网站会员账号和密码登陆本网站,则本网站有权注销您的本网站账号。账号注销后,本网站有权将相应的会员名开放给其他您注册使用。
  • 5.9 本网站通过加强技术投入、提升安全防范等措施保障您的数字资产的安全,有义务在您账户出现可以预见的安全风险时提前通知您。
  • 5.10 本网站有权随时删除本网站内各类不符合法律法规或本网站规定等的内容信息,本网站行使该等权利不需提前通知您。
  • 5.11 本网站有权根据您所属主权国家或地区的法律法规、规则、命令等规范的要求,向您要求提供更多的信息或资料等,并采取合理的措施,以符合当地的规范之要求,您有义务配合;本网站有权根据您所属主权国家或地区的法律法规、规则、命令等规范的要求,暂停或永久停止对您的开放本网站及其部分或全部服务。
  • 6.1 在任何情况下,我们对您的直接损害的赔偿责任均不会超过您从使用本网站服务产生的为期三( 3)个月的总费用。
  • 6.2 如您发生违反本协议或其他法律法规等情况,您须向我们至少赔偿200万美元及承担由此产生的全部费用(包括律师费等),如不够弥补实际损失,您须补全。


  • 8.1 您了解并同意,在任何情况下,我们不就以下各事项承担责任:

    • 8.1.1 收入的损失;
    • 8.1.2 交易利润或合同损失;
    • 8.1.3 业务中断
    • 8.1.4 预期可节省的货币的损失;
    • 8.1.5 信息的损失;
    • 8.1.6 机会、商誉或声誉的损失;
    • 8.1.7 数据的损坏或损失;
    • 8.1.8 购买替代产品或服务的成本;
    • 8.1.9 任何由于侵权(包括过失)、违约或其他任何原因产生的间接的、特殊的或附带性的损失或损害,不论这种损失或损害是否可以为我们合理预见;不论我们是否事先被告知存在此种损 失或损害的可能性。
    • 8.1.1 条至8.1.9条均是彼此独立的。
  • 8.2 您了解并同意,我们不对因下述任一情况而导致您的任何损害赔偿承担责任:

    • 8.2.1 我们有合理的理由认为您的具体交易事项可能存在重大违法或违约情形。
    • 8.2.2 我们有合理的理由认为您在本网站的行为涉嫌违法或不道德。
    • 8.2.3 通过本网站服务购买或获取任何数据、信息或进行交易等行为或替代行为产生的费用及损失。
    • 8.2.4 您对本网站服务的误解。
    • 8.2.5 任何非因我们的原因而引起的与本网站提供的服务有关的其它损失。
  • 8.3 我们对由于信息网络设备维护、信息网络连接故障、电脑、通讯或其他系统的故障、电力故障、天气原因、意外事故、罢工、劳动争议、暴乱、起义、骚乱、生产力或生产资料不足、火灾、洪水、风暴、爆炸、战争、银行或其他合作方原因、数字资产市场崩溃、政府行为、 司法或行政机关的命令、其他不在我们可控范围内或我们无能力控制的行为或第三方的原因而造成的不能服务或延迟服务,以及造成的您的损失,我们不承担任何责任。
  • 8.4 我们不能保证本网站包含的全部信息、程序、文本等完全安全,不受任何病毒、木马等恶意程序的干扰和破坏,故您登陆、使用本网站任何服务或下载及使用该下载的任何程序、信息、数据等均是您个人的决定并自行承担风险及可能产生的损失。
  • 8.5 我们对本网站中链接的任何第三方网站的任何信息、产品及业务及其他任何形式的不属于我们的主体的内容等不做任何保证和承诺,您如果使用第三方网站提供的任何服务、信息及产品等均为您个人决定且承担由此产生的一切责任。
  • 8.6 我们对于您使用本网站服务不做任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于本网站提供服务的适用性、没有错误或疏漏、持续性、准确性、可靠性、适用于某一特定用途。同时,我们也不对本网站提供的服务所涉及的技术及信息的有效性、准确性、正确性、可靠性、质量、稳定、完整和及时性作出任何承诺和保证。是否登陆或使用本网站提供的服务是您个人的决定且自行承担风险及可能产生的损失。我们对于数字资产的市场、价值及价格等不做任何明示或暗示的保证,您理解并了解数字资产市场是不稳定的,价格和价值随时会大幅波动或崩盘,交易数字资产是您个人的自由选择及决定且自行承担风险及可能产生的损失。
  • 8.7 本协议中规定的我们的保证和承诺是由我们就本协议和本网站提供的服务的唯一保证和陈述,并取代任何其他途径和方式产生的保证和承诺,无论是书面的或口头的,明示的或暗示的。所有这些保证和陈述仅仅代表我们自身的承诺和保证,并不保证任何第三方遵守本协议中的保证和承诺。
  • 8.8 我们并不放弃本协议中未提及的在法律适用的最大范围内我们享有的限制、免除或抵销我们损害赔偿责任的任何权利。
  • 8.9 您注册后即表示认可我们按照本协议中规定的规则进行的任何操作,产生的任何风险均由您承担。
  • 9.1 本网站有权依据本协议约定注销您的本网站账号,本协议于账号注销之日终止。
  • 9.2 本网站有权依据本协议约定终止全部本网站服务,本协议于本网站全部服务终止之日终止。
  • 9.3 本协议终止后,您无权要求本网站继续向其提供任何服务或履行任何其他义务,包括但不限于要求本网站为您保留或向您披露其原本网站账号中的任何信息, 向您或第三方转发任何其未曾阅读或发送过的信息等。
  • 9.4 本协议的终止不影响守约方向违约方要求其他责任的承担。
  • 10.1 本网站所包含的全部智力成果包括但不限于网站标志、数据库、网站设计、文字和图表、软件、照片、录像、音乐、声音及其前述组合,软件编译、相关源代码和软件 (包括小应用程序和脚本) 的知识产权权利均归本网站所有。您不得为商业目的复制、更改、拷贝、发送或使用前述任何材料或内容。
  • 10.2 本网站名称中包含的所有权利 (包括但不限于商誉和商标、标志) 均归公司所有。
  • 10.3 您接受本协议即视为您主动将其在本网站发表的任何形式的信息的著作权, 包括但不限于:复制权、发行权、出租权、展览权、表演权、放映权、广播权、信息网络传播权、摄制权、改编权、翻译权、汇编权 以及应当由著作权人享有的其他可转让权利无偿独家转让给本网站所有,本网站有权利就任何主体侵权单独提起诉讼并获得全部赔偿。 本协议效力及于您在本网站发布的任何受著作权法保护的作品内容, 无论该内容形成于本协议签订前还是本协议签订后。
  • 10.4 您在使用本网站服务过程中不得非法使用或处分本网站或他人的知识产权权利。您不得将已发表于本网站的信息以任何形式发布或授权其它网站(及媒体)使用。
  • 10.5 您登陆本网站或使用本网站提供的任何服务均不视为我们向您转让任何知识产权。
  • 11.1 适用范围

    • 11.1.1 在您注册网站账号或者使用账户时,您根据本网站要求提供的个人注册信息,包括但不限于电话号码、邮箱信息、身份证件信息。
    • 11.1.2 在您使用本网站服务时,或访问本网站网页时,本网站自动接收并记录的您浏览器上的服务器数值,包括但不限于IP地址等数据及您要求取用的网页记录。
    • 11.1.3 本网站收集到的您在本网站进行交易的有关数据,包括但不限于交易记录。
    • 11.1.4本网站通过合法途径取得的其他您个人信息。
  • 11.2 信息使用

    • 11.2.1 不需要您额外的同意,您在本网站注册成功即视为您同意本网站收集并使用其在本网站的各类信息,如11.1条所列,您了解并同意,本网站可以将收集的您信息用作包括但不限于下列用途:
    • 向您提供本网站服务;
    • 基于主权国家或地区相关主管部门的要求向相关部门进行报告;
    • 在您使用本网站服务时,本网站将您的信息用于身份验证、客户服务、安全防范、诈骗监测、市场推广、存档和备份用途,或与第三方合作推广网站等合法用途,确保本网站向您提供的产品和服务的安全性;
    • 帮助本网站设计新产品及服务,改善本网站现有服务目的而进行的信息收集和整理;
    • 本网站为完成合并、分立、收购或资产转让而将您的信息转移或披露给任何非关联的第三方;
    • 软件认证或管理软件升级;
    • 邀请您参与有关本网站服务的调查;
    • 用于和政府机关、公共事务机构、协会等合作的数据分析;
    • 用作其他一切合法目的以及经您授权的其他用途。
    • 11.2.2 本网站不会向其他任何人出售或出借您的个人信息,除非事先得到您的许可。本网站也不允许任何第三方以任何手段收集、编辑、出售或者无偿传播您的个人信息。
  • 11.3 本网站对所获得的客户身份资料和交易信息等进行保密,不得向任何单位和个人提供客户身份资料和交易信息,应相关主权国家或地区法律法规、政令、命令等规定要求本网站提供的除外。
十二、计算所有的交易计算结果都经过我们的核实,所有的计算方法都已经在网站上公示,但是我们不能保证网站的使用不会受到干扰或没有误差。 十三、出口控制您理解并承认,根据塞舌尔共和国相关法律,您不得将本网站上的任何材料(包括软件)出口、再出口、进口或转移,故您保证不会主动实施或协助或参与任何上述违反法规的出口或有关转移或其他违反适用的法律和法规的行为;如发现此类情形,会向我们积极报告并协助我们处理。 十四、转让本协议中约定的权利及义务同样约束从该权利义务中获取到利益的各方的受让人,继承人,遗嘱执行人和管理员。您不得在我们不同意的前提下转让给任何第三人,但我们可随时将我们在本协议中的权利和义务转让给任何第三人,并给予您提前30天的通知。 十五、可分割性如本协议中的任何条款被任何有管辖权的法院认定为不可执行的,无效的或非法的,并不影响本协议的其余条款的效力。 十六、非代理关系本协议中的任何规定均不可被认为创造了、暗示了或以其他方式将我们视为您的代理人、受托人或其他代表人,本协议有其他规定的除外。 十七、弃权我们或您任何一方对追究本协议约定的违约责任或其他责任的弃权并不能认定或解释为对其他违约责任的弃权;未行使任何权利或救济不得以任何方式被解释为对该等权利或救济的放弃。 十八、标题所有标题仅供协议表述方便,并不用于扩大或限制该协议条款的内容或范围。 十九、适用法律本协议全部内容均为根据塞舌尔共和国法律订立的合同,其成立、解释、内容及执行均适用塞舌尔共和国相关法律规定;任何因或与本协议约定的服务有关而产生的索赔或诉讼,都应依照塞舌尔共和国的法律进行管辖并加以解释和执行。为避免疑义,这一条款明确适用于任何针对我们的侵权索赔。任何针对我们或者是和我们有关的索赔或诉讼的管辖法院或诉讼地均在塞舌尔共和国。您无条件地获得在塞舌尔共和国法院进行诉讼和上诉的排他性的管辖权。您也无条件地同意与本协议款有关的争议或问题或产生的任何索赔请求和诉讼的发生地或法院均排他性得在塞舌尔共和国,如有本网站其他业务对管辖有专门约定从其约定。不方便法院的原则不适用于根据本服务条款的选择的法院。 二十、协议的生效和解释
  • 20.1 本协议于您点击本网站注册页面的同意注册并完成注册程序、获得本网站账号和密码时生效,对本网站和您均具有约束力。
  • 20.2 本协议的最终解释权归本网站所有。
  • 1.1我们保证审慎遵守“了解你的客户”和反洗钱相关的法律法规且不得故意违反该《了解你的客户和反洗钱政策》。在我们合理控制的范围内我们将采取必要的措施和技术为您提供安全的服务,尽可能使您免于遭受犯罪嫌疑人的洗钱行为带来的损失。
  • 1.2我们的了解你的客户和反洗钱政策是一个综合性的国际政策体系,包括您隶属的不同法律辖区的了解你的客户和反洗钱政策。我们健全合规的框架确保我们在本地和全球层面均符合监管要求和监管水平,并确保本网站持续性运行。
  • 2.1颁布了解你的客户和反洗钱政策并时时更新以满足相应的法律法规规定的标准;
  • 2.2颁布和更新运行本网站的一些指导原则和规则,且我们的员工将按照该原则和规则的指导提供服务;
  • 2.3 设计并完成内部监测和控制交易的程序,如以严格的手段验证身份,安排组建专业团队专门负责反洗钱工作;
  • 2.4 采用风险预防的方法对客户进行尽职调查和持续的监督;
  • 2.5 审查和定期检查已发生的交易;
  • 2.6 向主管当局报告可疑交易;
  • 2.7身份证明文件、地址证明文件和交易记录的证明文件将会维持至少六年,如被提交给监管部门,恕不另行通知您。
  • 2.8 整个交易过程中,信用卡被禁止使用;
  • 3.1 身份信息

    • 3.1.1 根据不同的司法管辖区的不同规定及不同的实体类型,我们收集的您的信息内容可能不一致,原则上将向注册的个人收集以下信息:
    • 个人基本信息:您的姓名,住址(及永久地址,如果不同) ,出生日期及国籍等可获得的其他情况。身份验证应该是根据官方或其他类似权威机构发放的文件,比如护照,身份证或其他不同的辖区要求的和引发的身份证明文件。您提供的地址将使用适当的方法进行验证,比如检查乘用交通工具的票据或利率票据或检查选民登记册等。
    • 有效的照片:在您注册之前,您须提供您将您的身份证件放在胸前的照片;
    • 联系方式:电话/手机号码和/或有效的电子邮件地址。
    • 3.1.2如果您是一个公司或其他合法实体,我们将收集以下信息以确定您或信托帐户的最终受益人。
    • 公司注册、登记证;公司的章程与备忘录副本;公司的股权机构和所有权说明的详细证明材料,证明决定本网站账户的开立以及执行的授权委托人的董事会决议;按照要求需要提供的公司董事、大股东及本网站账户有权签字人的身份证明文件;该公司的主要营业地址,如果与公司的邮寄地址不同,提供邮寄地址。如果公司在本地的地址与它的主要营业地址不一致的,则被视为风险较高的客户,需要提交额外附加文件。
    • •根据不同的司法管辖区的不同规定及不同的实体类型,我们要求的其他认证和权威部门发布的文件以及我们认为必要的文件。
    • 3.1.3 我们只接受英语版本或汉语版本的身份信息,如不是,请您将您的身份信息翻译成英文的版本并加以公证。
  • 3.2确认核实

    • 3.2.1我们要求您提供身份证明文件的全部页面内容。
    • 3.2.2 我们要求您提供您将您的身份证明文件放在您胸前的照片。
    • 3.2.3证明文件的副本一般应核和原始凭证进行核对。然而,如果某个可信赖的合适的认证人可证明该副本文件是原始文件准确而全面的复制的,该副本可接受。这样的认证人包括大使、司法委员、地方治安官等。
    • 3.2.4 对识别最终受益人和账户控制权的要求是确定哪些个人最终所有或控制直接客户,和/或确定正在进行的交易是由他人代为执行。如果是企业,则大股东的身份(例如那些持有10%或以上的投票权益)应被验证。一般,持股25 %会被认定为正常风险内,其股东身份须验证;持股10%或拥有更多的投票权或股票时被认定为高风险的情况,股东身份须加以验证。
  • 4.1 我们根据安全性和实际交易情况时时设置和调整日常交易和提币最高限额;
  • 4.2如果交易频繁集中发生在某个注册用户或存在超乎合理的情况,我们的专业团队将评估并决定他们是否可疑;
  • 4.3我们凭借自身的判断认定为可疑交易的情况,我们可能会采取暂停该交易、拒绝该交易等限制性措施,甚至如果可能将尽快逆转该交易,同时向主管部门报告,但不会通知您;
  • 4.4我们保留拒绝来自于不符合国际反洗钱标准辖区的人或可被视为政治公众人物的人的注册申请,我们保留随时暂停或终止根据我们自身判断为可疑交易的交易,但我们这样做并不违反对您的任何义务和责任。



1.1. Parties

This HTX Turkey User Terms of Service (“Agreement”) and its annexes from time to time referred to herein, which constitute integral parts of this Agreement has been entered into by and between HTX Turkey Teknoloji A.Ş. (“HTX Turkey”) and the real person signed up and created a private account at the Website/App (“User”), at the moment when the User has confirmed opening of her digital account.

1.2. Purpose

The purpose of this Agreement to accurately stipulate with sufficient detail the mutual rights and liabilities of the Parties with respect to the use of the services offered on the Website or App by HTX Turkey.


2.1. HTX Turkey

HTX Turkey Teknoloji A.Ş. duly registered with Istanbul Trade Registry Directorate with the number 208654-5 at the address Cerrahpaşa Mah. Çınar Sk. No:3 1C-/- Fatih/İSTANBUL.

2.2. HTX

HTX Limited incorporated in the Republic of Seychelles under the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, and individually operates the website http://www.huobi.com , which is a platform dedicated to the transaction of digital assets and the provision of related services. HTX Turkey is an independent entity from HTX, which has no access and no means of partial or full control over such platform, hence cannot be held liable for any adverse event with the platform.

2.3. Cryptocurrency / Digital Currency

Cryptocurrencies or digital currencies are a subset of digital currencies which are encrypted with cryptographic software as digital representations of value that are neither issued by central banks or public authority nor necessarily attached to a Fiat Money, but are used by natural or legal persons as a means of exchange and can be transferred, stored or traded economically.

2.4. Wallet / Cryptocurrency Wallet

Wallet is a software program that stores private and public keys to enable users send and receive digital currency and monitor their balance.

2.5. Fiat Money

Any currency issued and backed up to be a legal tender by a state recognized by the Republic of Turkey. For the purposes of this particular Agreement, Fiat Money shall mean only the official monetary denomination of the Republic of Turkey which is abbreviated as TRY and represented by the symbol “”, since in Turkey HTX Turkey and HTX allow only TRY to crypto currency exchange activities.

2.6. User

The natural person above the age of 18 residing in the Republic of Turkey who has signed up with the website and opened a digital account to use Services offered by the Website/App.

2.7. Website/App

The domain name “ https://www.huobi.com/tr-tr/ ” and its sub URLs and the mobile application which may be downloaded at the Website, Google Play or Apple Store.



HTX Turkey, HTX and/or its affiliated companies own all the intellectual property on services including but not limited to those services offered on the domain names, software codes, interfaces, contents, product reviews, videos, algorithms, visuals, models, designs.


User is granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to download and install a copy of the App on a mobile device or computer that the User controls and to runs such copy of the App solely for her own personal purposes.


User shall not, in any manner, transfer or assign her account and rights to third parties and shall not allow third parties to use her own account.


User represents and warrants that the User will not engage in any Prohibited Business or Prohibited Use, as identified in our Acceptable Use Policy. HTX Turkey reserves the right to investigate violations of this Agreement or conduct that affects the Services. Further, HTX Turkey and HTX reserve the right to reverse, cancel and/or suspend the User’s Account and/or block transactions or freeze digital currencies held in the User’s Account immediately and without notice if HTX Turkey or HTX determines, at its sole discretion, that the User’s Account is somehow associated with a Prohibited Use and/or a Prohibited Business. User agrees that HTX Turkey or HTX will not responsible or liable if such event occurs. In case of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.


To use the Services, the User must register for an account ("Account"). During the registration process, the User has to verify his/her identity. For this purpose, the User agrees to provide HTX Turkey and HTX some personal data, including but not limited to name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, taxpayer identification number, a government identification, and information regarding bank account (such as the name of the bank, the account type, routing number, and account number). User’s ability to access and use the Services, in whole or in part, may depend on the information User provides. User confirms and warrants that the information he/she provides is and will be accurate and authentic. User is solely liable for the accuracy, privacy and security of the information it provides when opening an account.


HTX Turkey or HTX may, at its sole discretion, refuse to open an Account for anyone. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, in advance, one User may open one and only one account per customer. User agrees not to circumvent any operational or technological measure that controls the number of accounts the User can maintain with HTX platform.


User is solely responsible for maintaining adequate security and control of her IDs, passwords, hints, personal identification numbers (PINs), public or private keys or any other codes that the User uses to access her Account and Services. Any loss or compromise of the foregoing information and/or the User’s personal information may result in unauthorized access to the User’s Account by third-parties and the loss or theft of any digital currency and/or funds held in the User’s Account and any associated accounts. HTX Turkey or HTX shall not be held liable for any loss that the User may sustain due to compromise of account login credentials due to no fault of HTX Turkey and/or HTX and/or failure to follow or act on any notices or alerts that HTX Turkey and HTX may send to the User. In the event the User believes that her Account information has been compromised, the User shall immediately contact HTX Turkey at [email protected] .


User agrees and consents to receive electronically all communications, agreements, documents, notices and disclosures (collectively, "Communications") that HTX Turkey may from time to time provides in connection with the User’s Account and use of the Services. Communications may include, but are not limited to: any agreements or policies User agrees to (e.g., the TOS, Privacy Policy and Trading Rules), including updates to these agreements or policies; account details, history, transaction receipts, confirmations, and any other Account or transaction information; legal, regulatory, and tax disclosures or statements HTX Turkey may be required to make available to the User; and responses to claims or customer support inquiries filed in connection with the User’s Account.

HTX Turkey may provide these Communications to the User by posting them on or through the Website/App, emailing them to the User at the primary email address listed in the User’s profile, communicating to the User via instant chat, and/or through other electronic communication such as text message or mobile push notifications.


User is herewith informed of the fact that the Website/App provides services only in exchange of TRY and does not provide other form of services such as crypto/crypto pairs, derivative transactions and etc.


Fiat Money deposits and transactions can only be conducted to, from and via bank accounts which are owned solely by the User. User is solely liable to maintain its full control and ownership on such bank account. If the User’s bank account is frozen or compromised or used by any third party for any reason, the User has to stop using services provided on the Website/App. HTX Turkey or HTX shall not be held liable for any loss, damage or claim due to the compromise of the title of the User to her bank account as well as any loss, damage or claim arising out of or in relation to the User’s own bank account.


Fiat Money deposits, transfers or transactions shall not be conducted on ATM machines. Such transfers may be reversed, cancelled or otherwise interfered with and necessary measures may be taken about such User accounts.


HTX Turkey or HTX shall not be liable for the losses, damages or claims for the transactions which have not been conducted within the hours or time periods specified in the Fiat Money deposit or withdrawal statements.


The Website/App processes supported crypto currency according to the instructions received from the User. User shall verify all transaction information prior to submitting instructions on the Website/App. Once submitted, a Crypto Currency Transaction may be unconfirmed until confirmed by the Crypto currency network. A transaction is not complete while pending confirmation. The Website/App may require the User to wait some amount of time after completion of a transaction, before permitting the User to use further Services and/or before permitting the User to engage in transactions beyond certain limits.

Any submitted digital currency transaction may be delayed, cancelled, reversed (to the extent possible), or refused to be processed, if:

i) required by law or in response to a subpoena, court order, or other government order or to enforce transaction limits;

ii) HTX Turkey or HTX suspects the transaction involves (or has a high risk of involvement in) money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, or any other type of financial crime or illegal activity;

iii) HTX Turkey or HTX reasonably suspects that the transaction is erroneous;

iv) HTX Turkey or HTX suspects the transaction relates to prohibited use or a prohibited business as set forth in our Acceptable Use Policy; or

v) HTX Turkey or HTX suspects that the User has breached any terms of this Agreement.

In such instances, HTX Turkey or HTX is under no obligation to allow the User to reinstate a purchase or sale order at the same price or on the same terms as the delayed, cancelled, reversed or failed transaction.

User acknowledges that HTX Turkey or HTX cannot reverse a digital currency transaction that has been broadcasted to the underlying digital currency network.


HTX Turkey or HTX may change or discontinue all or any part of the Services, at any time and without notice, at its sole discretion. HTX Turkey may amend or modify this Agreement by posting on the Website, through the App, or emailing to the User the revised Agreement, and the revised Agreement will be effective at such time. If the User does not agree with any such modification, the User may stop using the Services and User’s sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate this Agreement and close her Account. If the User continues to use the Services after HTX Turkey has made available to the User the updated Agreement, the User is deemed to have agreed to be bound by the updated Agreement. User agrees that HTX Turkey or HTX will not be liable to the User or to any third party for any modification or termination of the Services, or suspension or termination of the User’s access to the Services, except to the extent otherwise expressly set forth herein.


Use of the services is entirely at the User’s own risk. HTX Turkey or HTX neither provides investment, tax, or legal advice, nor trades on User’s behalf. All transactions are filled automatically, based on the User’s instructions, and the User is solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for the User based on the User’s personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance.

HTX Turkey is an intermediary platform over which users exchange digital currencies with specified Fiat Money. HTX Turkey or HTX does not determine prices or has no involvement with any aspect which may have any effect on the prices.

There are certain risks in crypto currency investments. User acknowledges that she fully comprehends the nature of the crypto currencies and risks associated with crypto currency investments. There is no guarantee against losses. HTX Turkey or HTX cannot be held liable for the losses or damages due to price fluctuations.


HTX Turkey and HTX cannot know or is not in a position that it could know how the crypto currencies are used, to where they are transferred or what purposes they are transferred or whether they are used for illegal purposes. HTX Turkey and HTX cannot be held liable for illegal use or abuse of crypto currencies and associated losses and damages.


User is solely responsible for the tax and legal consequences of use of crypto currencies or profits derived therefrom. HTX Turkey or HTX cannot be held liable for legal and tax consequences which may occur due the User’s profits, gains or conducts.


HTX extends maximum effort as a prudent businessman to protect the User’s Account. Nevertheless, the User’s Account may be compromised due to advanced and sophisticated cyber attacks and HTX cannot be held liable for losses and damages arise therefrom, unless a court of law determines HTX’s gross negligence in taking necessary administrative and technical measures to protect the User’s Account.


Services offered on the Website/App is available only those who are older than 18 years of age and resident in the Republic of Turkey. HTX Turkey and HTX are entitled to request admissible documentation proving the age and location of residence. HTX Turkey and HTX reserve the right to suspend or terminate the Services if HTX Turkey or HTX, at its own discretion suspects that the age and location of the User do not meet the criteria mentioned herein.


HTX Turkey or HTX may reverse, cancel, delay or suspend Services or Digital Currency Transactions to run technical maintenance, repair, corrections on the system or on the Website/App. HTX Turkey or HTX cannot be held liable for such technical errors or system failures.


HTX Turkey reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Services to the User who use a vulgar and indecent language and behavior towards HTX Turkey, its employees and representatives. HTX Turkey also herewith reserves its right to recourse to the appropriate legal remedies for such behavior.



The Cryptocurrencies and Fiat Money which are allowed to be used for tender shall be announced on the Website/App. User can enter into transactions only on such Cryptocurrencies and Fiat Money as allowed by the Website/App.

Accordingly, the User may fund her Account with Cryptocurrencies and Fiat Money, as permitted by the Services. Crypto currencies held in the User’s Account can be used only to trade in the marketplace offered by the Website/App.

The transaction fees are subject to changes based on several variables including but not limited to special campaigns, time, location, transaction value, subject matter cryptocurrency and etc. Therefore, the User is expected to inquire about the applicable fee on the Website/App.

User transaction limits may vary depending on the User’s identity verification level. User may view her limits at her Account.

User may demand limit increases by providing additional information as may be requested by HTX Turkey and HTX. Such demand may be refused, or the User’s limit may be lowered at a subsequent time even if the User has completed Enhanced Due Diligence.


By accessing the Services, User accepts and agrees to the trading rules which can be found at: https://www.hbus.com/trading-rules (the "Trading Rules"). The Trading Rules may be changed from time to time, without notice to the User. HTX Turkey or HTX reserves the right to cancel any open trades and/or suspend Marketplace activity in accordance with the Trading Rules. In case of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and this Trading Rules, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.


HTX Turkey is entitled to receive a transaction fee each time the User withdraws Fiat Currency and a fee for transferring digital currencies into or out of the User’s Account.

By placing transactions through the Services, the User agrees to pay any applicable fees stated in the current fee schedule as made available on the webpage https://www.huobi.com/tr-tr/fee/ ”.

All fees will be clearly displayed and payable in Cryptocurrencies and Fiat Money. User hereby authorizes HTX Turkey and HTX to automatically deduct fees directly from User’s Account. All applicable fees will be calculated and showed when User authorizes a transaction. If the User owes any outstanding amounts to HTX Turkey, HTX Turkey reserves the right and the User hereby authorizes HTX Turkey to debit User’s Account for such outstanding amounts.

The fees may be changed and the new fees shall become effective on the date of its announcement on the webpage “ https://www.huobi.com/tr-tr/fee/ ”.

The fees are exclusive of applicable taxes including but not limited to the VAT, stamp duty and etc. The applicable taxes shall be added on the relevant fee as accrued on the date of the transaction.

At the end of each month, HTX Turkey provides an electronic invoice to the User in which all the items of the monthly total fee are clearly indicated.


Since the Digital Currency Transaction, that has been broadcasted to the underlying digital currency network, is irreversible, the fees collected by HTX Turkey cannot be returned.


5.1. Term

This Agreement shall remain valid and applicable until terminated pursuant to the provisions stipulated herein.

5.2. Termination

HTX Turkey may for any reason, in its sole discretion, with or without notice to the User:

(a) suspend, restrict, or terminate User’s access to the Services, in whole or in part, and/or

(b) deactivate or cancel the User’s Account, including but not limited to:

  • HTX Turkey is so required by a facially valid subpoena, court order, or binding order of a government authority; or
  • HTX Turkey or HTX reasonably suspects the User of using her Account in connection with a Prohibited Use or Prohibited Business; or
  • Use of the User’s Account is subject to any pending litigation, investigation, or government proceeding and/or we perceive a heightened risk of legal or regulatory non-compliance associated with the User’s Account activity; or
  • Due to apparent or legal insolvency of the User; or
  • HTX Turkey or HTX suspects the account is involved in (or has a high risk of involvement in) money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, or any other type of financial crime or illegal activity;
  • If the User breaches any term of this Agreement; or
  • User takes any action that HTX Turkey or HTX deems as circumventing controls, including opening multiple accounts or abusing promotions which may be offered from time to time.


Suspension, cancellation or termination of the User’s Account or the User’s access to the Services will not affect the payment of fees or other amounts the User owes to HTX Turkey. If the User’s Account is suspended, cancelled or terminated, HTX Turkey may immediately take actions to cancel all open orders associated with the User’s Account, block all transfer of digital currencies held in the User’s Account, and block the User from placing further orders until resolution or Account suspension or cancellation.


User is entitled to transfer digital currency associated with the User’s Digital Wallet(s) for ninety (90) days after Account deactivation, cancellation or termination unless such transfer is otherwise prohibited (i) under the law, including applicable sanctions programs, or (ii) by a facially valid subpoena or court order.



User acknowledges based on enlightened information regarding the nature of the Services and technology that HTX is directly and individually responsible for storage and maintenance the User’s crypto currencies in hot and cold wallets and the User hereby validly and purposefully waives all rights to claim from or sue HTX Turkey in any adverse event with respect to his/her crypto currencies.


Data, news, analysis, repots, statistics and similar informative content on the Website/App are derived from third parties in public domain. Such informative content is provided objectively on the Website/App without any amendment, interpretation or processing of HTX Turkey or HTX. With such content, HTX Turkey or HTX has no intention whatsoever to guide direct advice or otherwise incite a particular choice to effect the User’s decision, provide solutions to the User, make a political or financial statement, give investment advice to the User or guarantees the accuracy of such content. The informative content may be inconsistent or contradictory with each other. HTX Turkey or HTX shall not be held liable for such content or any loss or damage arising from reliance thereon by the User.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event will HTX Turkey, HTX or its affiliates and service providers, or any of their respective officers, directors, agents, joint ventures, employees or representatives, be liable (a) for any amount greater than the lesser of (i) the value of the supported digital currency held in the User’s account; and (ii) 50,000 TRY or (b) for any lost profits or any special, incidental, indirect, intangible, or consequential damages, whether based in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with authorized or unauthorized use of the services, or this agreement, even if an authorized representative of HTX Turkey or HTX has been advised of or knew or should have known of the possibility of such damages. This means, by way of example only (and without limiting the scope of the preceding sentence), that if the User claims that HTX Turkey or HTX failed to process a buy or sell transaction properly, the User’s damages are limited to no more than the lessor of the User’s actual damage and 50,000 TRY, and that User may not recover for lost profits, lost business opportunities, or other types of special, incidental, indirect, intangible, or consequential damages.


The services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any representation or warranty, whether express, implied or statutory. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, HTX Turkey and HTX specifically disclaim any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose and/or non-infringement. HTX Turkey or HTX does not make any representations or warranties that access to any part of the services, or any of the materials contained therein, will be continuous, uninterrupted, timely, or error-free. User acknowledges and agrees that by using the Services on the Website/App, he/she is entering into an relationship with HTX knowingly and willfully, he/she can make deposits in TRY using their bank accounts, can hold the fiat balance and convert it into a digital asset provided by HTX, he/she is aware of the risks involved with cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency value fluctuations and cryptocurrency related transactions. HTX Turkey or HTX will not be responsible or liable to the User for any loss and take no responsibility for and will not be liable to the User for any use of our services, including any losses, damages or claims arising from: (a) user error such as forgotten passwords, incorrectly constructed transactions, or mistyped addresses; (b) server failure; (c) unauthorized access to applications; or (d) any unauthorized third party activities, including hacking, the use of viruses, phishing, brute forcing or other means of attack against the services as well as any system or technical failure.


Any dispute arising from interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Republic of Turkey. Istanbul Central (Çağlayan) Courts and execution offices are vested with the exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any disputes arising herefrom.

Any dispute arising between HTX and the User shall be governed according to the agreement signed by HTX and the User.


If any provision of this Agreement will be determined to be invalid or unenforceable under any rule, law or regulation or any governmental agency, local, state, or federal, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of the provision to the greatest extent possible under any applicable law and the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement will not be affected.


Without prejudice to the other provisions governing HTX Turkey’s right to delay, suspend or terminate the Services, it is hereby explicitly stipulated that HTX Turkey will not be liable for delays, failure in performance or interruption of the Services which result directly or indirectly from any cause or condition beyond our reasonable control, including any delay or failure due to any act of God, act of civil or military authorities, act of terrorists, civil disturbance, war, strike or other labor dispute, fire, interruption in telecommunications or Internet services or network provider services, failure of equipment and/or software, other catastrophe or any other occurrence which is beyond HTX Turkey’s reasonable control and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


1. Introduction

To make this website ( www.huobi.com/tr-tr/ ) work properly, and to provide the most relevant services to our site visitors and members (“user” or “you”), HTX Türkiye Teknoloji A.Ş. ("HTX Türkiye" or “we”) place cookies on users’ devices. This Cookie Policy provides you with information about cookies and how to control them for this website.

2. What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit our website. In addition to these text files, other trackers such as web bugs, beacons, pixels or tracking tags will be considered as cookies in this Cookie Policy.

3. What is the Purpose of Cookies?

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Keeping you safe and secure while using our website,
  • Enhancing user experience, customize our services, and offering suggestions from your previous preferences.
  • Analyzing the site usage of the users and determining the general tendency on the site,
  • Improving the performance of the website and making our websites and mobile applications user-friendly,
  • Providing new features through websites.
  • Showing targeting ads and other marketing activities based on users' interests and/or profiles.

4. General Features of Cookies

Session cookies and persistent cookies are used on our website and mobile applications. Session cookies stop working when you close your browser. Permanent cookies remain on your hard disk for a long time.

5. Types of Cookies We Use

We have listed the different types of cookies we can use on our website. If the data that we collect through cookies is a personal data, the Privacy Policy will also be applicable in addition to this Cookie Policy. For more information, please review our Privacy Policy.

i. Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are strictly necessary for providing security on our website, enabling user movement around our website and providing our services and access to features such as your profile. This types of cookies are essential to the website’s functionality and cannot be disabled by users.

Function of CookiesExplanation
SessionSession cookies are used to ensure the continuity of the session.
User IDUser ID cookies are only used for users to see their own information.
SecuritySecurity cookies are used for security checks.
Load BalancingLoad balancing cookies are used to reduce server load by distributing the load.

ii. Functional Cookies

Functional cookies collect information about users' preferences and allow us to remember the users’ preferences and customize our website. These cookies may be set by us or third-party providers to whom you have added their services to your pages. If you do not allow these cookies, some or all of these functions may not work properly.

Function of CookiesExplanation
LanguageSaves the language that users have selected.
LocationIt determines the approximate addresses (city, county, zip code) of users via their IP addresses and allows users to automatically select their own countries.
Source WebsiteThe source site is saved for a better understanding of users’ preferences.
Last Visit and TransactionIt is used to provide users with updates on what has changed since their last visit to the website and to better understand their preferences.
Page HistoryPage history cookies are used to track which websites users have visited and in which order. If a user encounters an error while visiting the website, the cookie information is logged in the log file for reporting and resolving the error.
Live ChatThese cookies are used to support users via the website and communicate with them live. They enable the chat function and recognition of the returning users as well as help us to understand previous conversations and support users more swiftly and efficiently.

iii. Analytical Cookies

We use analytical cookies to understand how visitors use our website. These cookies collect information in the aggregate to give us insight into how our website is being used. For example, this type of cookies shows which pages are most visited on our website as well helps to record the difficulties experienced within our website.

Function of CookiesExplanation
Google AnalyticsThese cookies enable us to collect all the statistical data and enhance the user experience.
Google Tag ManagerWeb beacons work in a similar way to cookies and are placed on websites or e-mails to monitor the behavior of the user who visits our website or sends an e-mail.

iv. Advertising/Targeting Cookies

Description:These cookies are used for marketing purposes. This type of cookies works by identifying your browsers and devices. It can be used to create profiles of your interests and to show you relevant ads on other websites. Targeted ads will not be shown to you if you do not allow these cookies.

Function of CookiesExplanation
AdsIt enables the website to show behavioral and targeted advertisements to users.
Market AnalysisIt enables HTX Türkiye to conduct marketing activities.
Campaign / PromotionIt analyzes the impact of campaigns.

6. How to Disable Cookies

You can customize your cookie preferences by changing your browser settings. Depending on your browser's capabilities, you can block the use of cookies, receive alerts before the cookie is used, or simply disable or delete some cookies. Cookies-related preferences must be deleted separately for each device through which you access to our website (browser settings).

You can block or restrict the web browser cookies on your device from your web browser settings. The "Help" option in your browser gives you information about blocking and restricting web browser cookies:

We kindly remind you that if you disable cookies, various functions of our website may not work.

If you want to disable all the cookies on your device, you can download these two programs provided in the following links:

7. Contact Us

We may change our Cookie Policy at any time. We will notify you of these changes via www.huobi.com/tr-tr/ or your e-mail address you have provided us.

For more information, please contact us via [email protected]



This Privacy Notice aims to inform you about the processing of your personal data by HTX Türkiye Teknoloji A.Ş. (“HTX Türkiye” or “we”) in accordance with the Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of the Personal Data numbered 6698 (“LPPD”) and the Communiqué on Principles and Procedures Regarding the Obligation to Inform.

a) Purpose of Processing

We may process your personal for the following purposes:

  • sending you marketing communications and our promotional offers (including push notifications),
  • conducting customer satisfaction surveys and quality assurance surveys,
  • managing loyalty programs and any other marketing activities.

We require your explicit consent to process your personal data for such purposes.

b) Transferring Your Personal Data

We may transfer your personal data to our service providers and business partners within Turkey or abroad for the above-mentioned purposes and to the authorized public institutions and individuals in order to fulfill our legal obligations under applicable laws.

c) Collection Methods and Legal Basis

We will collect your personal data through electronic environment such as e-mail, telephone, SMS, our website or mobile application in order to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes provided that you have given your explicit consent (Article 5/1 of the LPPD) or you make your personal data manifestly public (Article 5/2 (d) of the LPPD).

e) Your Rights

Under the LPPD, you are entitled to:

  • request information if your personal data processed,
  • learn whether your personal data is used for its purpose of processing,
  • know the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred within Turkey or abroad,
  • request the rectification of your incomplete or inaccurate personal data, if any,
  • request the erasure or destruction of your personal data,
  • request notification of the operations to whom your personal data has been transferred, in case of rectification, erasure or destruction of your personal data,
  • object to the processing, exclusively by automatic means, of your personal data, which leads to an unfavorable consequence for you,
  • request compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of your personal data

You can submit your requests by contacting us via [email protected]. Your request will be responded free of charge. However, if your request requires additional costs, the fees in the tariff set by the Personal Data Protection Board will be charged to the applicant.


Based on your explicit consent, we wish to:

  • process your personal data for the purposes of sending you marketing communications and our promotional offers (including push notifications), conducting customer satisfaction surveys and quality assurance surveys, managing loyalty programs and any other marketing activities, and
  • transfer your personal data to our service providers and business partners within Turkey or abroad for such purposes.


HTX Türkiye Teknoloji A.Ş. (“HTX Türkiye” or “we”) requires to obtain your prior approval before sending any commercial electronic messages in accordance with the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce numbered 6563 (“e-Commerce Law”).

We wish to send commercial electronic messages to our users (“you”) via SMS, automatic call, phone call, social media platforms and online advertising networks, e-mail and other electronic communication channels for the purpose of providing you with general and special opportunities, recent news and developments regarding our products and services, sending celebration messages such as at birthdays, feasts etc., and promoting and advertising our products and services. We are allowed to send such commercial electronic messages based on your approval.

You can opt-out or unsubscribe, from our marketing communications at any time and free of charge by using the "Unsubscribe" link in each marketing e-mail or contacting us via [email protected].


As a user of HTX Türkiye products and services, I hereby accept and declare that I have read and understood the Privacy Notice and Explicit Notice on Commercial Electronic Messages and the Commercial Electronic Messages Approval and give my explicit consent and approval to receive commercial electronic messages in accordance with the LPPD and the e-Commerce Law.