FastTrack 4th Round of Voting Premieres July 04

Dear Users,

HTX’s FastTrack Phase 1 Round 4 Vote-to-List premieres July 04. To date, the following three (3) projects have emerged as winners on FastTrack and have successfully listed on HTX.

Phase 1 Round 1 Total Votes Received : 25,316,075(HT)
Champion: Atlas Protocol(ATP)
Winning Vote Count: 15,248,017 HT

Phase 1 Round 2 Total Votes Received : 48,020,096(HT)
Champion: New Kind of Network (NKN)
Winning Vote Count: 25,843,368 HT

Phase 1 Round 3 Total Votes Received : 48,180,804(HT)
Champion: Skrumble Network(SKM)
Winning Vote Count: 41,547,408 HT

As Fusion has opted to withdraw from FastTrack, FastTrack rules will be modified to support the upcoming Phase 1 Round 4 vote.

Changes to FastTrack rules are as follows:
Users with FastTrack voting eligibility can directly vote for the sole remaining project (Origo.Network). The remaining project, Origo.Network, will successfully list on HTX the same day if the total votes received iare equal or greater than the average number of votes received in the previous 3 rounds. (i.e. 27,546,265 HT).

Should the project receive sufficient votes during Round 4 voting session, all allocated votes from participating users will be converted to the project token at a discount of approximately 50% of the market price at the end of the voting session; and approximately 500,000 USDT equivalent HT will be destroyed on the same day.

On the other hand, if the total number of votes do not meet the minimum vote count threshold, the project will rollover to the next FastTrack voting phase.

Detailed Schedule:
Voting Stage: 20:00:00 – 20:59:59 July 04, 2019(GMT+8) (1 hour in total);
Token Exchange: 21:00:00 – 21:09:59 July 04, 2019 (GMT+8);
Listing Stage: 22:00:00 June 20, 2019(GMT+8); Winning Project will be eligible for listing. Deposit/Withdrawal services and free trading of USDT, BTC and HT trading pairs will be subsequently launched.

Token Exchange Rules:
All participating HT voters who have voted for the project token will be eligible to purchase the said tokens at the discounted price (80% of all Volume). Remaining HT arising from the token exchange will be returned to the users after the voting stage.
Thirty(30) lucky users amongst the participating HT voters who voted for the winning project will be able to purchase 20% of all volume for the project token.

Click here for FastTrack Voting Rules

Further Notice:
1. FastTrack will continue to enforce Prime Lite Trading Protection: In order to avoid extreme price volatility due to exuberance, we will restrict the use of market orders within 5 mins after official trading opens and users are unable to place orders at prices 5 times higher than the highest tradable price during Price Limit Round;
2. HTX reserves the right to void a project’s vote count, or eliminate FastTrack voting eligibility if signs of cheating are discovered.

July 02, 2019