News founder Jason Goldberg launches Polygon-backed web3 project

2022/10/20 12:10

Serial entrepreneur Jason Goldberg has raised $3 million in a pre-seed round for his latest venture Airstack, a web3 API platform.
Goldberg has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years having played a role in seven companies including Hem, a furniture design label which was sold to a private investment company in 2016; Moxie, a fitness platform that raised $8 million in 2021 and, a shopping platform that was once an e-commerce unicorn.
After exiting Moxie earlier this year, Goldberg jumped full-time into web3 alongside his Airstack co-founders Deepesh Nath, Sarvesh Jain, Ignas Peciura and Vysakh Nair, all of whom played founding roles in his previous startups.
Investors in Airstack’s pre-seed round include Animal Ventures, Polygon, Fenbushi and Resolute Ventures, according to a company release.
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