
What is SSV


SSV (SSV Network)

ssv.network is a decentralized staking infrastructure that enables the distributed operation of an Ethereum validator. This is achieved by splitting a validator key between four or more non trusting node instances (‘multi-operator node’). The nodes are collectively tasked with executing the validator's duties under a consensus mechanism. In simple terms, the protocol transforms a validator key into a multisig construct governed by a consensus layer.

I. Project Introduction

ssv.network is a decentralized staking infrastructure that enables the distributed operation of an Ethereum validator. This is achieved by splitting a validator key between four or more non trusting node instances (‘multi-operator node’). The nodes are collectively tasked with executing the validator's duties under a consensus mechanism. In simple terms, the protocol transforms a validator key into a multisig construct governed by a consensus layer.

II. Token Information
1) Basic Information
Token name: SSV (SSV Network)
Total supply: 11,012,871
Tokens in Circulation: 10,000,000

III. Related Links
Official Website: https://ssv.network/
Blockchain explorer Links: https://etherscan.io/token/0x9D65fF81a3c488d585bBfb0Bfe3c7707c7917f54
Community-Related links:

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.
