
What is AAC


1. Programme Name

Double-A Chain (AAC)


2. Project Introduction

Double-A Chain is a new-generation public chain featuring high transaction speed, low handling fee, and high compatibility with other smart contracts. It aims to empower Metaverse, Web3.0, and promote the rapid development of application scenarios such as Gamefi and NFT. Providing high-performance underlying facilities and solutions for the application development and ecological construction of Metaverse and Web3.

3. Application Scenarios:

①Pay the Double-A Chain network gas fee

②Double-A Chain network node election and community governance

③Network node rewards and voter rewards

④On chain payment method for future metaverse and Web3.0 applications

⑤ Establish a Metaverse and Web3.0 project incubation fund to support the implementation of excellent projects

4. Consensus Mechanism and Validator Nodes

Double-A Chain adopts the APoS consensus mechanism combining PoA+PoS, jointly governed by verification nodes and voters. As a result, it has the characteristics of democracy, efficiency, low transaction cost, low transaction delay, and high transaction concurrency.

Double-A Chain supports up to 21 validator nodes, all of which are voted by the community. Validating nodes are sorted according to predetermined rules and take turns to pack and produce blocks.

5. Related Links

Official website: https://acuteangle.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DoubleA_chain

Telegram: https://t.me/Double_AChain

Discord: https://discord.gg/mnCxNqSvNf

Medium: https://double-a-chain.medium.com/

GitHub: https://github.com/double-a-chain-cloud

Developer : https://docs.acuteangle.com/index.html

AAC Explorer(Mainnet): https://scan.acuteangle.com/home/index

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content may be out of date, error, or omission. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.


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