Exclusive Offer: Enjoy Up to 20% Off Interest for USDT Borrowing via Crypto Loans!

Dear HTX Users,


To enhance the quality of our Crypto Loans services, we're thrilled to announce a special promotion for the entire month of March, offering interest discounts of up to 20% on borrowing USDT.


Event rules:


From 16:00 (UTC) on February 29 to 15:00 (UTC) on March 31, HTX users borrowing USDT via Crypto Loans can enjoy the following discounts:


Prime Level

Discount on Loan Interest

Prime 3-5

10% off

Prime 6 or above

20% off


Throughout the March promotion, users will be eligible to enjoy the following benefits when they meet the corresponding requirements:

1. Users who reach Prime levels 3-5 are eligible to directly enjoy a 10% discount on the interest for borrowing USDT on Crypto Loans throughout March.

2. Users who reach Prime level 6 or above are eligible to directly enjoy a 20% discount on the interest for borrowing USDT on Crypto Loans throughout March.

For example:

  • If you hold a Prime 8 membership, you can enjoy a direct 20% discount on interest for borrowing USDT, without requirements on loan amount and term.



1. Market makers are not eligible to participate in this event.

2. Interest discounts will be credited to your spot account within 15 working days after the event concludes.


Happy trading with HTX!



March 1, 2024