How to update KYC information
2024/06/06 09:52
- Must-Read for Beginners
If you wish to update your KYC information, please follow these steps:
1. Change Nationality
- If your account hasn't completed the KYC verification, please click the link to change your nationality yourself.
- If your account has already completed the level 1 KYC verification and you need to change your nationality, please contact customer service for assistance.
- If your account has already completed the level 2, level 3, or level 4 KYC verification and you need to change your nationality, please click the link to submit your request.
2. Change Name
- If your account has already completed the level 1 KYC verification and you need to change your name, please contact customer service for assistance.
- If your account has already completed the level 2, level 3, or level 4 KYC verification and you need to change your name, please click the link to submit your request.
3. Update KYC Information
- If your account has already completed the level 2, level 3, or level 4 KYC verification and you need to update your KYC information, please click the link to submit your request.
4. Once you've completed ID verification, it cannot be revoked.