세부 사항

What is LXT


1. Programme Name


2. Project Introduction

LITEX was founded by the LITEX Foundation (Singapore) and is committed to building the world's largest crypto payment ecosystem. It is one of the few projects in the world that has both the Bitcoin Lightning Network and the Ethereum State Channel and other layer2 technology stacks. LITEX uses layer2 technology as the basis to achieve off-chain scale, improve the efficiency of cryptocurrency payment, and promote the implementation of payment scenarios in Japan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. LITEX is committed to connecting the crypto world and the real world and becoming a payment infrastructure for open finance.

3. Token Distribution

Token Distribution:
Community: 35% 
Users incentives: 15%   
Development fund: 30%   
Founding team: 15% 
Cooperation institute: 5%

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content may be out of date, error, or omission. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.



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