세부 사항

What is GCAKE


I. Project Introduction

Pancake Games aims to achieve a situation where many blockchain games will be launched in the world of cryptosphere. Pancake Games will provide services that users are looking for and demanding for such as reviews and strategies of a new launched games. Pancake Games will keep on providing these information and also will provide a value like an exchange token such as BNB. We call this token, GCAKE.
GCAKE also works as governance token. Holders of GCAKE are able to vote, request changes, and request for new NFT game IDOs. GCAKE holders will also be given prioriy to participate in IDOs and will be rewarded with NFTs usable in NFT games.

Features of Panake Games include the followings.
・IDO for NFT games, pre-sale
・Cross-reviews and strategies by professional gamers, critics, and YouTubers will be open to the public
・NFT Marketplace
・Will host the NFT events, game contest, and conference
・GCAKE holders will be able to vote, request changes, and request for new NFT game IDOs.
・Holders of GCAKE tokens will also be given priority to participate in IDOs and will be rewarded with NFTs that can be used in new NFT games.
・Will create the “User Ranking Board” based on the user’s usage of the platform

II. Token Information
1) Basic Information
Token name: GCAKE
Total supply:10 trillion
Tokens in Circulation:
The figures are calculated as Total Supply - Tokens held by the team as of 4 Feb 2023
GCAKE (BEP20): 2,275,506,350,149
GCAKE(ERC20): 3,704,064,588,653
GCAKE(Polygon): 2,116,077,095,402

Price for early investors:
The sale was conducted in units of 1 ETH, 5 ETH, and 10 ETH; investors who invested 1 ETH were awarded 3,000,000,000, 16,000,000,000 for 5 ETH, and 35,000,000,000 GCAKE for 10 ETH. Details of the sale information is available in the following link.
1ETH : 3,000,000,000 GCAKE
5ETH : 16,000,000,000 GCAKE
10ETH : 35,000,000,000 GCAKE

III. Related Links
Official Website:https://pancakegames.finance/
Whitepaper Link:https://pancakegames.finance/docs/document-pancakegames.pdf
Blockchain explorer Links:

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.

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