세부 사항

What is APPC


AppCoins is an open and distributed protocal for App Stores using blockchain technology and smart contracts. Servign over 200 milion users, AppCoin (APPC) tokens are the new native currency of the app economy that ensures trust without intermediaries.
Aptoide is one of the largest Android App Stores, with over 4 billion downloads, 200 million users and direct engagement with over 12,000 developers including Gameloft and Zeptolab. Aptoide has a network of over 70 corporate partners, including OEMs and Telecom companies.
As a cryptocurrency, the AppCoin token will benefit all stakeholders of the app economy:
1. For Users, a trusted environment with new purchasing possibilities;
2. For Developers, a transparent and efficient way to monetize their apps and build a reputation.
3. For App Stores, a new universal language that ensures trust without intermediaries.
Use of funds: 58% Development, 23% Strategy and operations, 15% Marketing, 4% Legal

Project tokens price: 1 APPC = 0.0003339 ETH

Project tokens function: Main Transaction method and currency for App Stores

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content may be out of date, error, or omission. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.



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