
What is OGN


1. Programme Name 

Origin Protocol(OGN)
2. Project Introduction

Origin Protocol enables blockchain-powered commerce. The company has built the Origin Platform that currently powers dozens of e-commerce and marketplace applications. 

Origin’s goal is to enable true peer-to-peer commerce by disintermediating traditional middlemen like Shopify, Amazon, Airbnb, and others. In the process Origin reduces/removes fees, promotes free and open commerce, ensures all ecosystem participants get stakes in the network, and reduces platform risk for developers and merchants.

Origin has released several in-house products built on top of the Platform, including the Dshop decentralized e-commerce platform (www.originprotocol.com/dshop), Origin Deals (www.origindeals.com), and the Origin Marketplace DApp (www.shoporigin.com). Partners and merchants building on top of Origin’s technology include Brave, Solana, Contentos, Kyber, Trips Community, and many others. Origin is a featured developer on the Samsung Galaxy phone.

The Origin Token, OGN, is a multi-purpose token created to fuel the growth of the Origin network. OGN enables an affiliate/advertising platform, incentivizes end-users to use and share the platform, unlocks e-commerce rewards when locked up, and transfers value between buyers and sellers as a payment token. In addition, OGN will be used for on-chain governance purposes in the future.

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content may be out of date, error, or omission. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.



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