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Prezzo Everscale

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Prezzo EVER oggi
Il prezzo live di Everscale è -- per (EVER/), -- di oggi. Il volume di trading a 24 ore è pari a -- , con una capitalizzazione di mercato attuale di -- e un'offerta circolante di -- . I dati vengono aggiornati in tempo reale.
Performance prezzo EVER in USD
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Informazioni di mercato EVER

24h basso
24h alto
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Capitalizzazione di mercato
Volume di trading (24h)
Offerta circolante
Cosa è EVER
Everscale is based on a platform called EVER OS, featuring first functional multi-threading on the market with Turing-complete smart contracts and decentralized user interfaces. Everscale presents some new and unique properties, such as dynamic multithreading, soft majority consensus and distributed programming, which enable it to be scalable, fast and secure at the same time. It is governed by a decentralized community founded upon meritocratic principles via Soft Majority Voting protocol. In August 2021 during the load tests on open Internet with validators spread around the world in different data centers Everscale demonstrated 50-55k smart contract executions per second, which is unmatched by any other network. And it’s linearly scalable by increasing the number of validators. Everscale has powerful developer tools, such as compilers for Solidity and C++, SDK and API, client libraries ported to more than 20 languages and platforms, a range of decentralized browsers and wallets empowering many applications in DeFi, NFT, tokenization and governance domains. The network has fully functional bridges connecting it to popular blockchains such as Ethereum, Cardano, Fantom Opera, Polygon, BNB Chain, Chinease BSN blockchain, Tezos, Avalanche, Milkomeda etc.
Per maggiori dettagli puoi visualizzare: Cosa è EVER?
Come comprare EVER
E' davvero super facile comprare EVER in HTX. Clicca semplicemente qui per visualizzare una guida completa su come acquistare facilmente Everscale.
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Statistiche chiave
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Offerta circolante
Fully Diluted Market Cap
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