
What is AKRO


1. Project Name: 

Akropolis (AKRO)

2. Project Introduction:

Half of all the assets in the world are owned by pension funds. The global pensions deficit currently standing at 3x global GDP or $47 trillion. Akropolis set out with the objective to build a protocol that enables creation of a distributed financial network comprising member-owned financial organisations designed to step in to provide the trifecta of basic financial services (savings, investments, social insurance) through a distributed network without reliance on governments, banks or other legacy financial institutions. Result: resilience to global contagion risks in the event of a financial crisis.

Akropolis is committed to platform agnosticism and domain-specific chains, cementing partnerships with several players across different chains, such as Polkadot and ChainX, MakerDAO, and POA.

A significant part of the team effort is directed towards interoperability research and development, and supporting ecosystems - eg. running validator nodes in Polkadot, building the Akropolis Parachain, and ChainX validator nodes.
More info about Akropolis here.

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content may be out of date, error, or omission. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.



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