
What is AIDOC


AIDOC uses medical data and smart doctor AI technology to provide you constant health and wellness insight.Their blockchain and advanced imaging technology enable us to build a live 3D visual of your health from vital sign readings,offering you 24-hour health analysis from a digital medical expert capable of anticipating problems and prescribing solutions.By further combining smart hardware with IoT applications we are building a full ecosystem of health services that will one day span all regions of the medical services industry.
Technology and Innovation:
AIDOC’s AI super doctor: AI super doctor (AIDOC) is a combination of several high-capacity, decentralized smart medical apps, all enabling personal customization while ensuring standard performance. AIDOC’s AI model is the central nervous system connecting them. AIDOC will provide the AI blockchain protocol enabling AIDOC’s super doctor throughout the AIDOC ecosystem, ensuring standalone operating performance of distributed applications.
The bitdata person: Get real time health advice, maintain wellbeing, and identify risks to prevent disease. By combining digital medical technology with advanced data computing that constantly uploads your health data to the blockchain, AIDOC fully quantifies your physiological lifecycle data into an accurate picture of your real time health.
LifeBank: Data generated during health monitoring provides AIDOC users with an extremely valuable resource that we put back into your hands for you to market using our platform. Your data can contribute to disease diagnosis, clinical research, and drug development, and we help you trade it for your own and the greater good. AIDOC’s LifeBank enables you to securely store and trade your health data for tokens you can trade or use to better benefit from valuable ecosystem health services.
Life data mining: AIDOC’s vital signs records and data value are supported by life data mining. Investing early in data mining for your health with AIDOC can yield major returns as our ecosystem scales and coin values multiply.

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