Futures Trial Bonus Rules

Ⅰ. Rules for Using Trial Bonus

1. To view your trial bonus balance, go to the Futures trading page and click the exclamation mark "!" after the field "Available".

2. Futures trial bonus can be used to deduct trading costs of USDT-margined perpetual and delivery futures in cross margin mode as well as USDT-margined copying trades in the cross margin mode, including trading fees, funding fees, and position losses. The trial bonus and the user's assets can each cover 50% of the trading costs.

1) When a user's position falls into negative equity, the trial bonus will be firstly used to cover the margin call losses. When the user doesn't have any assets in their USDT-M account, all trading costs will be covered and deducted by trial bonuses;

2) In case either the principal or the trial bonus is insufficient to cover 50% of the trading costs, the other will be used to cover the remaining cost.

3. Trial bonus cannot be withdrawn, but the earnings from trades made with the trial bonus can be withdrawn. Please note that the trial bonus will be cleared upon any asset withdrawal out of the futures account or the copy trading account.

4. Trades made with the trial bonus are not eligible for trading fee rebates.

5. If the trial bonus balance accounts for more than 60% of the account's available balance, then the trial bonus can only be used to place an order or open a position of futures on the net side.

1) Net side: In calculating the net side of an account, we assign a positive sign to the margin of long orders and a negative sign to the margin of short orders and add them together. If the sum is positive, then the net side is long; if the sum is negative, the net side is short;

2) If there are both position and open orders in an account, then the margin assets of the position and open orders are added together to calculate if the net side is long or short.

6. When trial bonuses are used in copy trading, they become incorporated into the margin ratio calculation. Additionally, during the profit-sharing stages in copy trading, trial bonuses for both lead traders and followers will not be reclaimed.

Ⅱ. Rules for Transferring and Reclaiming Trial Bonuses

1. When users navigate to the Transfer page, they can set the status to "From USDT-Margined Futures Account to Other Accounts". Below the Amount, users will find the display of Transferable Amount, which includes their own funds and trial bonuses. Please note that trial bonuses are non-transferable.

2. When users transfer their own funds from the USDT-Margined futures account or the copy trading account, trial bonuses will be reclaimed. The reclaimed trial bonuses are those trial bonuses that have not been used to offset transaction costs. In this situation, two scenarios can occur:

(1) When there are frozen trial bonuses, only the unfrozen portion will be reclaimed.

(2) When trial bonuses are not frozen, the entire amount will be reclaimed.



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