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JUM, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
The Pocket Gym project was created with the aim of providing the services user really wants in line with the changing fitness market, starting with the COVID-19 pandemic. For the faster growth of projects, we intend to advance into global services through partnerships with multinational companies. However, we realized that the traditional business model has its limitations when it comes to fast global service settlement To overcome these limitations, our team focused on Web 3.0 and blockchain technology. We found the cases around the world that connect blockchain and token with existing business model, and we've confirmed that there are enough successful cases. Accordingly, our project developed a service platform "Pocket Gym" focused on business feasibility and a "Swap module" with blockchain technology. 1. Pocket gym Mobile service app : Point (Kcal) reward service Platform - Pocket Gym utilizes a reward system to provide short-term, step by step, and continuous motivation to form health habits and achieve your own fitness goals through a variety of quests. - Users can use the contents they want through free, in-app payment, and token payment. - Kcal point, which has been compensated through various contents, can be exchanged with Jumoney(JUM) token, and can also be used in offline such as purchasing affiliates' products and using affiliates' services 2. Swap Module: Point (Kcal) / Token (JUM) interchange Module - It is created to provide a wallet exclusively for JUM and to provide interchange services between JUM and Kcal point - In the module, upon the user’s JUM deposit, the legal currency value is automatically calculated and converted to Kcal Point. In addition, when switching Kcal Point to JUM, the JUM is immediately sent to the user-in-app wallet in the reverse order of deposit. - Kcal Points exchanged for JUM are immediately incinerated, and conversely, when JUM is converted into Kcal points, points are created immediately, and the JUM's transaction data is stored on the blockchain network and the point's transaction data is stored in the module. This blockchain module enables decentralization of both tokens and points. The user can use the pocket gym service by switching JUM to Kcal point, and the compensated Kcal point can be easily converted to JUM within the pocket gym app. We defined this as a hybrid system of points and tokens.
Pour plus de détails, veuillez lire : JUM, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
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