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Prix de xMoney (UTK)

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UTK - Prix du jour
Le prix en temps réel de xMoney (UTK) est de -- (UTK/), -- aujourd'hui. Le volume de trading sur 24h est de -- , avec une capitalisation actuelle de -- et une offre en circulation de -- . Les données sont actualisées en temps réel.
UTK - Évolution du prix en USD
Variation (%)

UTK - Données de marché

Plus bas 24h
Plus haut 24h
Record historique
Capitalisation boursière
Volume de trading (24h)
Offre en circulation
UTK, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
xMoney (formerly known as Utrust) was designed to provide a solution to the problems resulting in low usability of cryptocurrency as means of payment, particularly the underdeveloped transactional security of payment platforms and relatively high fees. The main goal of the platform is to build a system that will enable fast and seamless crypto transactions at lower fees, therefore allowing merchants to reach a large audience of crypto holders. The platform allows buyers to make secure purchases while also offering an option for refunds and protecting sellers from the high volatility of the crypto market. xMoney also aims to create a more reliable payments platform by combining the best features of blockchain and traditional fiat systems. By leveraging cutting-edge technology with MultiversX, xMoney empowers individuals and businesses to optimize their payment processes, drive growth, and deliver exceptional experiences to their customers. With its commitment to innovation and excellence, xMoney continues to lead the way in transforming the financial industry. xMoney (UTK) native token and its tokenomics UTK 3.0 primary purpose is to drive desired behaviors, such as accepting crypto and fiat for businesses and facilitating payments. This encourages more companies to join the ecosystem, creating a flywheel effect that benefits buyers, users, investors, token holders, and businesses. The adoption of decentralized financial tools and currencies is further fostered through this collaborative approach.
Pour plus de détails, veuillez lire : UTK, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
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Comment acheter UTK
Il est très facile d'acheter des UTK sur HTX. Cliquez simplement ici pour consulter le guide complet d'achat pour xMoney (UTK).
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Chiffres clés
Prix actuel
Date du lancement
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Offre en circulation
Valorisation après dilution
Capitalisation boursière
UTK - Liens utiles
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