Some staff of beleaguered FTX crypto exchange leave Bahamas for Hong Kong
2022/11/13 09:44
The people who left the Bahamas include engineers and traders who work at FTX and Alameda Research, a crypto trading arm founded by Sam Bankman-Fried, who resigned as FTX’s CEO on Friday when the company, one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges, filed for bankruptcy. Bankman-Fried and most of his inner circle are still in the Bahamas, the people said. (Bankman-Fried is an investor in Semafor.)
Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of dollars were drained from FTX crypto wallets late Friday, as part of what a company support administrator on Telegram described as a hack and said to delete FTX apps because they were malware. FTX’s general counsel Ryne Miller tweeted that the firm is “investigating abnormalities with wallet movements.”
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