
What is TNB


What is Time New Bank (TNB)?

Miao'A International Timechain (M.I.T) is dedicated to building a precision time-value based transmission network. M.I.T highly acknowledge the time-value of money for each individual, and that the extent of which an individual's time is valued depends on how much he/she is needed by others, i.e. the more helpful an individual is, the higher the individual is needed. For the purpose of better presenting individuals’ time-value, and effectively matching the time exporters and time demanders, M.I.T will introduce TNB digital currency, based on a blockchain technology underlying platform, aiming to establish a time-value transmission network which comprises prominences of decentralization, internationalization, payment flexibility, pricing transparency, and strong protection of rights and proof-of-stake.
TNB, is a cryptographic digital currency issued by M.I.T, which enables transactions on M.I.T time commodity exchange and M.I.T time asset exchange. M.I.T will mint a total of 6,000,000,000 TNB tokens. No more tokens will be minted afterwards.  For early-stage investors, TNB serves the purpose of providing project funding. It could also be used to incentivize individuals or organizations that contribute to the M.I.T ecosystem. Moreover, TNB will be able to carry the premium generated self-promotion of time exporters and deliver to the end users. TNB will also be circulated on third party digital currency exchanges.

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content may be out of date, error, or omission. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.



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