
What is ELF


aelf is an open-source blockchain network designed as a complete business solution. The structure of ‘one main-chain + multiple side-chains’ can support developers to independently deploy or run DApps on individual side-chains to achieve resource isolation. aelf technology adopts parallel processing and the unique AEDPoS consensus mechanism. Based on the cross-chain technology of the main-chain index and verification mechanisms, aelf achieves secure communication between the main-chain and all side-chains and, as a result, allows direct interoperability between side-chains.
aelf meets the governance needs of varying applications by providing different models, including a Parliament Governance Model, an Association Governance Model, and a Referendum Governance Model. Through the incentive model, the network is equipped with a self-sustainable system and can roll out self-development on a practical basis. Simultaneously, developers can debug, develop and deploy applications based on a mature IDE, provided by aelf.
aelf has launched aelf Enterprise, an enterprise-level integrated blockchain solution. aelf Enterprise is based on the requirements of different business scenarios. To meet the requirements of several industries including supply chain management, credit establishment, user incentives, and property protection, aelf Enterprise provides enterprise-level users with a flexible, but practical modularized blockchain solution. This promotes the hand-in-hand development of both Blockchain and other core economies.
ELF tokens are used to pay resource fees in the system, such as deployment of smart contracts, operating and upgrading of systems (transaction fees, cross-chain data transfer fees). It also enables community to vote on major decisions, such as electing mining nodes, introducing new features to the system and other major decisions.

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