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Precio de XPLA

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XPLA Precio de hoy
El precio actual de XPLA es -- por (XPLA/), -- hoy. El volumen de trading en 24 horas es -- , con una capitalización de mercado actual de -- y una oferta en circulación de -- . Los datos se actualizan en tiempo real.
XPLA Rendimiento de los precios en USD
Cambio (%)

XPLA Información de Mercado

24h Min
24h Max
Máximo Histórico
Capitalización de mercado
Volumen de trading (24h)
Suministro en circulación
¿Qué es XPLA?
XPLA is a Layer 1 blockchain that interconnects various chains and serves as a hub for digital media content. It encompasses a wide range of digital content, including Web3 games, blockchain gaming platform, NFT marketplace, and metaverse, with the intent of ‘Explore and Play.’XPLA is dedicated to enhancing user experience by seamlessly integrating and interconnecting diverse networks with advanced operational systems. It operates as a collaborative blockchain, bringing together partners specializing in technology, security, and content. Through this collaborative effort, we aim not only to function as a mainnet but also as a comprehensive interconnecting blockchain ecosystem. XPLA Mainnet utilizes the Cosmos SDK and expands consistently through interoperability with various chains based on Cosmos IBC. It has established an environment that supports COSMWASM and EVM for active interaction with other ecosystems and is compatible with smart contracts coded in Solidity through EVM compatibility. Within the XPLA mainnet, a vibrant ecosystem of diverse genres of games and DApps is continuously maturing. With the 'Play to Own' values at its core, XPLA is dedicated to creating a respectful environment for gamers' ownership and efforts, fostering a sustainable blockchain gaming ecosystem. Having recently onboarded top-notch IPs such as The Walking Dead: All-Stars, Summoners War: Chronicles and MiniGame Party, including the first cross-chain game, Idle Ninja Online, XPLA is not merely progressing, but propelling ahead as a pivotal, content-driven blockchain, exhibiting an impressive spectrum of services
Para más detalles, lee: ¿Qué es XPLA?
Cómo Comprar XPLA
Es superfácil comprar XPLA en HTX. Simplemente haz clic aquí para ver una guía completa para comprar XPLA con facilidad.
Únete a XPLA Spot trading en HTX
Regístrate y deposita fondos en tu cuenta HTX para empezar a spot trading.
Únete a XPLA Futures Trading en HTX
Disfruta de un apalancamiento de hasta 100 veces para el trading de futuros en HTX y amplifica tus beneficios.
Estadísticas clave
Precio actual
Lanzamiento inicial
Suministro total
Suministro en circulación
Capitalización de mercado completamente diluida
Capitalización de mercado
Enlaces útiles sobre XPLA
Página web Oficial
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