
What is MDX


1. Brief Introduction

Mdex is a decentralized exchange based on HTX Eco-Chain & Ethereum, and supports the "dual mining mechanism" of liquidity mining and trade mining.

2. Detailed Introduction

Mdex is an automatic market-making decentralized exchange based on the concept of fund pools. Mdex proposes and implements a dual-chain DEX model based on the Heco Chain and Ethereum. Mdex combines the advantages of the low transaction fees of the Heco chain and the prosperity of the Ethereum ecosystem. With MDEX, users can also participate in dual mining mechanism of liquidity mining and trade mining.

Mdex is committed to building the largest DeFi platform integrating DEX, IMO and DAO on the Heco and Ethereum.

3. Token Allocation

Team: 10%
Investors: 7%
Marketing: 3%
Mining: 80%

4. Token Information and Release Schedule

Token Lock-up plan and release plan:
Total amount of MDX is 1 billion, of which 10% is used as a team reward for technology development, etc., and it will be unlocked in 24 months after launch one month. 7% is used as early investors’ share to provide more sufficient funds and resources for Mdex; 3% is used for market promotion and brand building; These two will be released 12 months after launch. The remaining 80% is used for liquidity mining and transaction mining on Heco.

Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content may be out of date, error, or omission. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.



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