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Precio de MultiversX

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EGLD Precio de hoy
El precio actual de MultiversX es -- por (EGLD/), -- hoy. El volumen de trading en 24 horas es -- , con una capitalización de mercado actual de -- y una oferta en circulación de -- . Los datos se actualizan en tiempo real.
EGLD Rendimiento de los precios en USD
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EGLD Información de Mercado

24h Min
24h Max
Máximo Histórico
Capitalización de mercado
Volumen de trading (24h)
Suministro en circulación
¿Qué es EGLD?
MultiversX is a high-throughput public blockchain characterized by its focus on security, efficiency, scalability, and interoperability through the implementation of two crucial elements: Adaptive State Sharding and a novel Secure Proof of Stake (SPoS) consensus mechanism. The EGLD token is the native token of the project and is used for network transactions, staking, and governance. MultiversX, formerly known as Elrond Network, rebranded in November 2022 and introduced three new metaverse products: l xFabric: A sovereign blockchain module that can host core blockchain applications. xFabric is fully customizable, and it can be deployed in minutes. The product comes with a wide range of features and use cases for any creative team, brand, or company. l xPortal: The product is promoted as the portal to the Metaverse. This is where users can host their avatars, conduct financial transactions, and hang out with friends in a virtual world. l xWorlds: A virtual world creation engine. It powers a network of interoperable metaverse worlds. The platform has been developed in partnership with Improbable, enabling users to enjoy unprecedented experiences deeply integrated with xPortal and xFabric. MultiversX's key features: l Adaptive State Sharding: MultiversX employs dynamic adaptive sharding on transaction, data, and network levels. This mechanism allows for shard merging and splitting based on the number of validators and network usage, ensuring optimal performance. l Secure Proof-of-Stake Consensus: MultiversX utilizes Secure Proof-of-Stake Consensus, a secure and efficient consensus mechanism that completes in just two communication steps. It employs modified BLS multi-signatures among validators, and the consensus group composition remains unknown until shortly before each round. l High Resiliency to Attacks: To enhance security, MultiversX periodically reshuffles nodes across shards. This reshuffling prevents collusion by randomly redistributing up to 1/3 of the nodes in each shard every epoch. l High Throughput and Low Latency: MultiversX boasts remarkable throughput, capable of processing over 100,000 transactions per second at a minimal cost.
Para más detalles, lee: ¿Qué es EGLD?
Cómo Comprar EGLD
Es superfácil comprar EGLD en HTX. Simplemente haz clic aquí para ver una guía completa para comprar MultiversX con facilidad.
Únete a EGLD Spot trading en HTX
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Únete a EGLD Futures Trading en HTX
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Enlaces útiles sobre EGLD
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